If you are finding it hard to achieve your goals or set your targets. If You have to spend a lot of time daily on generating KPO reports. If You can not find what are your best sellers agents and best selling products in a few clicks. If You can not see your sales graphs, agent availability graph etc. If There is no way you can send emails during call, add multiple comments and attach specific documents, Yes .. you require CRM

Trusted by over 300 business

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At the end of the day, while making a long report for your call center, you might wish you have a button which you just press and all things sort out.


You may claim that you can manage your business using email, task management systems, and calendar systems but you’ll miss the big picture. Organizing all your information into one system gives you that big picture


If you use notepads, memo books, calendars, and other systems for tracking your data then the odds are high that you are going to lose it at some point or it can be stolen. So Store everything on your laptop.


If you’ve ever wanted to look back and see everything on a particular contact, the stream of communication between you and them and other members of your business then you need a CRM


Do you know which clients are ready for a quick callback? If you knew exactly which prospects and clients were on hold and who was slightly interested in your services. would that help your business and your sales strategies? I think it would help a lot.


CRM helps you to find out your weaknesses because you can see clearly that where your resources are going and which expenses should be stopped immediately.


CRM will help you to achieve your goals because when you spend less time on management with use of CRM you will have more time to prospect your goals and make good strategy


We can give the best
facilities for you!

At the end of the day, while making a long report for your call center, you might wish you have a button which you just press and all things sort out.
Customer relationship management enhance the lead of management as it takes less time to manage customers information, agent productivity and graphing the work performance and get more time for management strategies, reason to lead management effectively.
CRM is designed to manage business-to-business (B2B) relationships—that is, relationships with other organizations and the contacts working at those organizations. Avatar CRM can also manage business-to-consumer (B2C) relationships, meaning relationships with individuals not associated with a specific organization.
Customer service and support is department that interacts with a customer for their immediate benefits, including components such as the contact center and the call management system.
It allows the management to plan and keep track of the campaigns. This includes planning the campaign, preparing your mailing list etc. Avatar CRM helps to manage the campaign to plan, execute and monitor campaigns in an organized way.
Mass MailingCommunication with customers is an important activity in any business scenario. One of the best ways of communicating is through email. Avatar CRM provides the option of using email to reach a large number of customers by sending mass emails. You can also create auto responders, schedule mass emails, and create email templates that are ready to use.
If your staff still activate your daily calendars, making notes on memo books or to do list? What happened if all this precious information deleted or misplaced? Don’t worry—save your to do list, active your daily work list and get notification by this amazing feature!
Avatar CRM allows you to save your emails from Gmail within your CRM account. All you need to do is configure the POP settings and select you Gmail account as the mailbox.
Avatar subscription management, manage all the subscription charges of customer’s company for whole life. You can effortlessly manage the entire subscription charges of your customers by CRM seamlessly.
Quoting, invoicing for customers, sales order send by the business and purchase order send by the customers, all the detail of your Quotes, invoicing, sales order and purchase order will be transferred with having all the records and time will be save just one click—CRM

Award-winning customer service

Due to our innovative solution for call center organization, our company recognized as a leading company.

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