What Do Call Centers Need to Know About Call Center GDPR Compliance?

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Contact centers have to manage and fix various chaos regularly. Either it is a staffing issue or an economic concern, contact centers are in a state of perpetual endeavor. In such a hectic milieu, the call center GDPR compliance may not be top of mind.

However, gone are the days of carelessness. With the new enforcement of General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), the European Union has changed the way of data usage altogether. So, any business that is using a contact center or call center as a part of its operations, must make data security, privacy, and protection as a topmost priority.

So, it is the need of the hour to comprehend and imply all terms and conditions that are enacted in the new legislation. Therefore, our experts have put together some prioritized features of call center GDPR acting.

Create Awareness of Data Protection in Your Organization

First things first, GDPR applies to everyone in your organization. So, keep your employees updated and familiar with the new enactment of regulations. It would be better to make your all employees updated with the GDPR.

Also, you can hire a team of professionals and experts to monitor and audit the process of GDPR implementation. This team will review how your customer data is protected, stored, and processed.

Moreover, you can also hire a data protection officer. So, the data protection officer would be responsible for not only data protection but also for training and advising.

Understand the Data Collection and Usage

Every customer-oriented organization has to collect and treat data of its customers. The implementation of GDPR determines how the data should be handled. So, understanding the concept of data collection and usage is vital for your organization.

Therefore, you should analyze for what purpose are you collecting data? How would you store it? What would be the way of data disposition? And how much data you need to store?

Several online data management tools allow you to keep track of your data and manage it effectively. So, you can get your data managed easily and effectively without any extra endeavors.

Make Customer Data Easily Accessible for Them

According to the new GDPR enactment, it is necessary to provide customer data on relevant customer’s demand. You will have to produce their data within one month. So, be ready, your customers can ask their data in a digital format anytime.

Now, you have to make sure that you or your agents would be able enough to provide data within the predetermined period. You have to ensure that you are keeping track of your customer data. Also, make it possible to archive data and fulfill the demand within the preset period.

Be Ready to Remove the Customer Data

Yes, new GDPR bounds you to remove the data on demand. So, if a customer asks to delete his/her data, you would be bound by law to do so.

Therefore, keeping track of your customer data is so important. You should record the customer data carefully and keep tracing its channels. This strategic information will help you to keep your data managed and easily available.

You can use any tool or software for the sake of better data management. Moreover, implement tech solutions to track and delete data on demand. So, it would be better to manage data effectively and feasibly.

Report and Notify the Data Breaches

GDPR requires the organization to notify the customer and report the problem of data breaches within 72 hours. It means if some data breaches happen, the company is responsible for notifying the mishap to customers. Also, you have to report the authorities as soon as possible.

However, if you notice a data breach that will not affect your customers negatively, you aren’t bound to inform. On the other hand, based on special circumstances, you can also delay the notification.

Therefore, we strongly recommend you to use detection, analyzing, and investigating tools. This will make the process far easier and manageable.

Your Service Providers Should Be GDPR Complained

This is another ostensibly meager yet important feature. You have to make sure that your service providers are also GDPR complained. For instance, if you have a call center, you will have to hire an external service for data collection and management.

Also, it would be a better idea to deal with the service provider. So, mention all terms and conditions that are essential for the purpose.

Carry on Practicing

Yes, practice makes a man perfect. Now, as you have implemented the enactment of new regulations, you have to carry on. So, keep practicing and evaluate it regularly. Practicing will not only keep your employees updated but also your organizational features more managed.

Also, testing your procedure will be more important. Make sure to evaluate customer calls so that you can understand how your employees are interacting with the customers. Turn this process into regular practice and let the regulations rock.


Conclusively, we should be careful about new regulations. Now, managers and supervisors should be more attentive about data management and protection. Get your data ready and more easily available on-demand as well.

Also, you will have to determine all extents and limitations of data usage, engagement, and analysis. Overall this enactment has made the contact centers more cautious.

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