Call center optimization: 5 methods to improve call center performance

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For call center optimization you need to think about improving your customer experience. While providing outstanding customer service should always be the aim of a call center, it shouldn’t be your primary objective. It’s wonderful if your agents treat customers with respect. But it’s insufficient. Customers expect an excellent phone experience however, they prioritize quick and simple call resolutions, to begin with. Your business needs to focus on raising the standard of the call center for it to stay competitive. This requires workforce optimization as well as rebuilding the infrastructure.

Call center optimization: what is it?

Call center optimization is a customer experience strategy that utilizes modern digital channels and innovative technologies to improve the customer experience by enhancing employee engagement. It focuses on the agent’s performance and enhances their efficiency to resolve customer issues better.

5 methods to improve call center performance

If you’re looking to improve your call center’s operations, you must consider all aspects that impact performance, and not just focus on one. So, here are some methods for successful call center optimization.

Use the right call center metrics

Call center KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are one of the most important factors when you do call center performance management. However, you should set goals for these KPIs and track your progress along the way for the following metrics:

First call resolution

This indicator enables you to determine how frequently your call center representatives can respond to consumer inquiries during the first contact. This delivers a better customer experience and ensures that they stick around if you can solve their problems on the first call itself. Your first call resolution rate illustrates how quickly a customer’s query is addressed, which eventually translates to customer loyalty.

Average speed to answer

It monitors the average amount of time it takes for your call center agent to respond to an incoming call. Better results come from shorter response times. However, if your frontline employees take a long time to attend calls, the issue needs to be identified and fixed.

Auxiliary time

A lunch break, doing some other work, attending a meeting, etc. your agents might be going through activities that might halt their calling task. These intervals need to be kept under a strict check and proper schedules have to be made if you wish to optimize your call center operations.

Active and waiting calls

These indicators assist in calculating the total number of active and on-hold callers simultaneously. You can also determine how long it takes a consumer to reach the customer service representative. When it comes to attention to detail, Dialer360 is always at the forefront of developing intuitive dashboards and monitoring systems that make your customer experience from good to exceptional. Having a proper dashboard for your call center operations is key when it comes to managing your resources and optimizing workflow without facing any delays.

Schedule Adherence

The agent’s adherence to their timetable is indicated by this metric. You can assess the agent’s capacity for effective time management. You can use this information to assess each agent’s productivity and guide them appropriately. With advanced software, you can achieve all your scheduling goals effortlessly. All you have to do is to choose the right one!

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Customer satisfaction ratings generally come into the picture during feedback surveys, which are conducted at the end of a call. The customers are given the option to provide a score over call satisfaction. They can rate your service by selecting the “good” or “bad” option through their dial pads. This score can be used as data for improving the overall response of the agent.

Schedule agents strategically

Making strategies to manage your workforce, especially during peak calling hours is the key to a successful shift. Making sure that you are not understaffed helps eradicate frustrated callers by eliminating long waiting times. Similarly, during slower calling hours, making sure that you are not overstaffed, helps keep your operating cost down. Agents are one of your most valuable but costly resources, and your management strategies ensure that they are set up for success. The historical data of your call center displays when you receive most calls. By utilizing this information, you can predict how many resources you need to assign. Furthermore, the best idea is to have more experienced agents working during peak call times.

Workshops & Training

Groom your agent’s mindset and motivate them by organizing frequent training sessions and workshops. This can prove to be an effective way for call center optimization. Introduce agents to new strategies and guide them to incorporate these new ideas into their work ethics. Train your agents to directly impact their performance and boost productivity.

Upgrade your Tech

Integrating innovative technologies into your businesses helps generate high revenue and maximum productivity. Keep your call center up-to-date with new trends and technologies for agent growth and business success. Unlike the yesteryears when call centers only utilized a telephone and shouting agents, today’s contact centers have become highly sophisticated by incorporating different technologies into their operations. Monitoring Software, VoIP method of calling, Autonomous AI Dialers and are technologies to name a few. Here are some other useful tools which modern call centers utilize to enhance their customer experience.


A chatbot is an AI-based online chatting tool that engages customers and replies to their queries through complex machine learning and algorithms. On busy days, when there are no agents available to engage customers, a chatbot can save the day by sorting customer issues and acquiring their contact details for an agent to reach back for further support. This makes the process offer convenience and delivers a professional experience.

Call-back Solution

An Automated Call-Back solution allows the callers to be contacted back by an available agent instead of being put on hold. This option is delivered through an IVR (Interactive voice response) which gives the callers the option to wait or submit their contact details to be called back. As this service provides callers with convenience, it also gathers data that is key to running a successful business in this modern age.

Omnichannel Software

With omnichannel software, you are capable to contact customers through multiple platforms such as web, mobile, landline phone, etc. To improve the call center workforce, it is necessary to choose the technology that is compatible with your omnichannel strategy.

Internal chat

Having an internal chat like, Skype, Slack, Teams, or a chat feature built-in to your software allows agents to communicate with their supervisors more efficiently. A call center on a busy day can turn into a fish market with all agents engaged in calls on various octaves to cater to the customers on the other end of the line. Having a tool that helps the team communicate without adding clutter can be a blessing.


To conclude, no call center is the same. One’s operations and technology might differ from the other. The key point to take from all this is how you develop your architecture that meets today’s standards of communication and can cater to the masses on all platforms. Having the right tools for the job is crucial for running a successful business. Last but not the least, invest in the team, train them and empower them to become better leaders. Because at the end of the day, it is up to you to decide whether you are just making money or selling experiences.

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