Six Key Metrics to Achieve Success in Call Center

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What a great saying by Steve Boobs “Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you can tell them what they need well before they realize it by themselves.” Does your call center work in a demanding environment where you need to manage thousands of calls each hour?  While is it difficult maintaining a high standard of customer services? Customer satisfaction is a cornerstone of all businesses, a large part of what keeps customers loyal or sustain them with the product and makes your business successful. To do this effectively, you need to be familiar with the latest points to do so.

Solve Issue on the First Call

Make your Aim for calls that require to solving the issue in the first attempt, without the agent needing to refer the customer to a colleague, their manager, or calling the customer back, nor follow-up work is the best approach to good service, but it is important to take into account the customer’s view. It’s important to let the customer tell you if their issue has been resolved through real-time customer feedback through different channels, such as post-call, surveys, online surveys, live surveys or email feedback.

Do You Know?

  • It reduces the operating cost of repeat calls or callbacks
  • if the customer’s issue is resolved on the first call it reduces the risk of customers to move to competitors.
  • It improves employee confidence and satisfaction to handle good and frustrated customers easily

Service Level

It is not possible to make all customers happy. It means that calls are getting in and handled efficiently so that the call center

has the opportunity to achieve good performance mission of ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Do You Know?

  • If service is not good more complains arise.
  • If poor service by the business it frustrates the customers.
  • Poor service eventually bothers business.

Adherence to Schedule

Observance to good performance is to check of time spent in interacting with customers, as well as time spent in and after call work, making necessary outbound calls and waiting for calls to arrive and how many customers handled efficiently. The level measures whether agents are on time for their shifts, whether they go to lunch and take breaks according to the schedule.  Time taken for lunch, breaks, training, etc., is not counted as time assigned to handle contacts.

Do You Know?

  • Training for staff has the great impact on customer satisfaction.
  • Educate the staff so they know how good schedule is to develop.
  • Supervise the staff to maintain the good schedule.


If calls are higher than expected, there will not be enough staff to respond, which will put pressure on the entire team. This will impact the service. If there are fewer calls than the estimate, then agents will be under-utilized. Call expected have to measure accurately.

Do You Know?

  • It affects the performance.
  • It affects the staff behavior.
  • It affects the reputation of the organization.

 Quality Assurance

Quality is normally evaluated by the checking and recording of staff interactions with customers, with quality assurance specialists or supervisors measures quality of calls and is based on a set of criteria which the agent must cover during the call. Including how the agent answers the call, how they solve the issue, how they end the call.

They rate the interaction by evaluation. The key criteria are to check the communication from the customer’s view and ease.

Do You Know?

  • Contact quality includes greetings.
  • Professionalism and courtesy when deals the customer.
  • It also includes that providing information to the customer that is relevant and correct.

Customer Satisfaction

All companies are aware of the importance of customer satisfaction, and all agree to have a good relationship with the customer by customer-centric practices. But do you think all are measuring customer satisfaction correctly?

Customer satisfaction is checked through surveys and phone interviews.

Do You Know?

  • Customer satisfaction is most important for success.
  • Customer satisfaction is compulsory to retain your customers.
  • Improvements are important before customers take their business elsewhere.

The main work is to understand the goals of the business and how can the call center best meet those goals? Once a call center’s metrics have been established, the challenge becomes managing those metrics and ensuring the call center agents are well trained in meeting the business objectives and good performance. It is important for the staff to understand these points and imply these in their daily work to reach the target of good performance and achieve success.

It allows management to see the big change in performance if all these steps taken by staff to achieve good performance.

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    Outbound calling is one of the most effective business strategies to reach out to more customers.