Triple Your Results with Digital Transformation in Your Contact Center

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The digital transformation contact center is essential to practice for sustainability in 2018. Moreover, it is fundamental to any business that needs to remain important in the present market, as the fast changes in innovation are changing the pace of business. Budgeting, spending plans and company’s goal are now completely modified as compare to some years back!

As strategies and work processes move from on-premises to the cloud, or from manual assignments to robotized forms, contact center managers are able to track down any data in lightning fast speed. More specific talking about the money thing, that interruption can likewise influence the IT spending plan.

The challenge for most call centers is that the whole meaning of an awesome client experience has changed. A complete focus on the customers as well as digital transformation implementation can help your company achieve your objective. Alongside companies need to pinpoint the platforms which are utilized on a regular basis for communication!

Shifting to cloud- realities and benefits

Greater Security Is Automatic

According to a known call center fact “In 2013, 62% of organizations were already using cloud-based contact center solutions and this number is expected to grow by 25% in 2015.”

Security has seen the biggest concern for all of the businesses including call centers. Call center digitalization is the aim of many, however, due to myths and false statements, call center owners are unaware of the fact, that their customer’s data is most secure with digital transformation.

Cloud service provider companies are investing a fortune in technology and updating systems to ensure their client information and their customer database with safe and secure with them. Moreover, they are able to share a word with their clients as well about it. Don’t worry about your data, if you are moving to the cloud call center system!

Installation And Upgrades With A Single Click

Constantly monitoring and tracking call center technology and software is time taking and stressful. With digital transformation contact center, you are able to simply update the system with a single click. To tell the truth, gone are the days, when physical visits and floppy disks are required along with an expert person to update the calling or other systems in a call center.

According to Mc Kinsey, “Companies focused on providing a superior experience across customer journeys realized a 10-15% increase in revenue and a 20% increase in customer satisfaction.”

Contact centers can practice the approach of simply keeping their focus on improving customer services, rather than looking after the software. Either installing it the first time or upgrading it to get access to the latest features, a single click can do it all. Talk to your service provider and it is as simple as moving your finger!

Customization In Real-Time

Top call center myths include less control over the sales force and system due to an outsourcing call center. However, the truth is totally the opposite. Digital transformation contact center provides complete customization choice to the call center owner. For instance, visualizing from any end, customer support and enhanced communication has never been simpler without cloud call center software.

Cloud call center technology comes along various benefits including, predictive dialer, call analytics dashboard, call recording, and IVR technology. With predictive dialer, idle time is no longer a problem in any call center. IVR technology gives access to call center to add the menu in the sequence and adding the content of their choice. Moreover, changing the entire call menu or a part of it is all in the call center owner control! Be different with contact center transformation.

Managing Remote Agents Is Effortless

Trends in call center industry vary with time and when lifting up the top call center trends for 2018, remote agents are seen everywhere. While contact centers are focusing most on customer services, controlling the in-house call center costs is a bit difficult. In addition, hiring skilled and experienced call center agents from different corners of the globe is also rising in 2018.


With the remote agent’s availability, call centers, are not only able to reduce down their management force, in fact, but they are also able to get the best persons in their sales force. Team leaders and managers with tough sale challenges and goals are able to monitor and track down remote agents easily.

Turning To the Cloud Call Center Software- A Checklist to Consider!

If you desire to enjoy the benefits of digital transformation, turning to the cloud is just the beginning most important. Here a simple checklist to get started:

Choosing the Right Service Provider

Best digital customer service is a basic approach to success in 2018 and beyond. With a lot of choice of cloud service providers out there, it can be a bit tough for a call center to pick a one which is best for their contact center.

Ask the following questions before going ahead:

  • Check out the most popular options
  • What matters most to you
  • Look for the strengths and weaknesses of the service provider
  • Check out your database size/ don’t neglect capacity demands

Preparing and Planning

Once you have done with the basic step, you need to work out a proper plan. this reduces the complications and issues when moving your call center to the cloud system. Prepare and plan before implementing.

Look out for….

  • What to move first
  • Will your application and tools need to be a change
  • How much time a move will take
  • Will it affect the call center performance
  • Do let your staff know about this!
  • How will you operate the new system>

Migrating the Whole System

If you have done planning efficiently, this phase is smallest when moving a step towards digital transformation. Moreover, unexpected issues and unpleasant surprises are uncommon!

Ask the following questions before going ahead:

  • How are you moving data?
  • What are the tools you are using?
  • Any security plans or tools you are utilizing?

Final thoughts

Digital transformation is reshaping the IT spending plans of numerous organizations around the globe. There have been an authoritative move manual channels to cloud-based systems and they are already in practice by most successful organizations. Additionally, while advanced change may help firms to improve customer experience, it can save down some of their expenses as well.


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