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Customer support center representatives have a long list of words which they share to express their feelings and make customers happy, for instance, we are happy to serve you, we love to know your views about our product, we will highly recommend your thoughts about our services, thanks for your feedback etc. but some of the words which are not to supposed to share or repeat in front of customers by call center agent as it would be a bad impression and may be reason for loose customers as well sales.

More than 70% of customers quit their link with business as their call center agent didn’t provide best customer services experience, agents talked with them rudely and out of the way when they called in call center for suggestions or to share problems and getting solution of them.


Why I recommend choosing words with great intention as your customers paid your wages and all of your business expenses are depend on customers, if they will not satisfy by your call center agents, your customers no more loyal with your business.

Take a walk down to find out which phrases and words do not say to customers as it would be count in bad customer service.

First One Who Complain About This

Some of the customers who never complain about your product just walk out to getting your services without letting you know, but some of them firstly told you about your fault and then leave. Customers complain about some products agent never heard about, instead of appreciating, they blame customers, you are the first one who has bad experience about. Agents not to repeat these mistakes instead of that phrase they would like to tell: “it sounds like interesting to know new things about, let me see what I can do for this”.

Are You Listening To Me

Problems in signal or to understand to be clear in real meaning of your words sometimes distracted by signals and your customer have right to be clear, for this he has to ask again and again, but agents take words on their self and angry with dealing customers, instead of this, they will have to say “tell me what is not clear to you and let me clear that first”.

I Don’t Know How You Feel Right Now

When customers call you, there will be 2 reasons, No.1 is he or she will be satisfied with your product and appreciate you, No.2 is chance of disappointment, anger, unsatisfied and frustrated. Customers have the right to take off their anger on you because you are the face representative of your company. In this situation, you will have to say “I completely understand why you feel the way like that, let me see how can I fix your problem”, rather than I don’t understand how you feel and how to fix this.

Sorry, But I Am Not the Right One

In call center, some problems faced by customers and you have no solution of those ones, instead of “sorry, I am not the right person to fix this problem”, agent have to say “I can help you but Mr. John is comprehensive for this area, so I would like to bring him for this, is this OK for you?

That’s Not My Department

Reason to call in customer service center is to fix or solve the problem not to be faced in future, but when customer heard about, “that not my job or not my department”. Customer will be disappointed from your services and chances to lose your customer too. Instead of that try to say, “Let me know you about, who is best one to fix or solve your problem”.

 Looks Like Similar With…

Talking with the customer and then compare them to others will make your image bad to him, not to make any customer similar to any others customer, just say “I can help you in this matter”.

Don’t Take It Serious

Representatives of the company will never understand the intensity of customer problems, anxiety and burden of such problems he is facing, but agent says them don’t take it seriously or worry just say, “I will take care of this”.

It’s Not A Big Deal

Problems seems like not a big deal for you as an agent who knows how to fix it, but for customers it will be a big deal, reason of worry and stiffness, never ever say in front of customer, it’s not a big deal” instead of this, you have to say “tell me more about this problem”.

I Don’t Made That Mistake

Sometimes problems occurs from company’s side, but instead of accepting your fault, agent defend himself front of customers which means, you blame your customer for that, not really mean you are true reason behind, just you have to say “We are cause of this problem and we know how to fix this”.

Company Policy

Companies have their own term and conditions and policies to dealt with customers, it would be unfair for customers but still it would be companies’ policy, agents will never change in it.  Agents always share these words, sorry sir it our company policy and I can nothing for you, instead of this, agent have to say “we highly appreciated for your positive response and we ensure you to do best for you”.

Avoid Unhygienic Words

Call center agent have to be serious to provide services and specify to choose words, never use unhygienic words which would not be digest by customers for instance LOL, oh shit and OMG or some other phrases which have some chances to show immature behavior or services by your end.

Thanks For Your Feedback

Agents ask for feedback concerning with company’s services, behavior and satisfaction level of customers after ending every call, which will sounds like robotic and scripted, customers feel unusual, instead of scripted phrases to ask about feedback, encourage your agents to ask them in real manner which not be sounds scripted and robotic.


Representatives of call center are true face of business, but immature and unhealthy phrases that have bad impression over customers actually become reason to lose customers and unsatisfactory behavior of them all.  Instead of make that phrases right call center agent ignore them. Words have great impact on customers if collection of words are accurate and precise. In this article I share some of phrases which mostly practice in call center and correct them into exact and precise manner for better customer service experience for your customers that will make your customers ensure, loyal and chances of long term relationship with customers.

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