An Overview of Remote Base Call Center Agents

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The call center is an imaginary world when call center word heard, the imagination starts by, “A hall cubicle with hundreds and thousands of reps, headphones on their ears and dealing with the customers, solving their problems, gave them suggestions and many more”.

But, in this century and especially America, the way of thinking about the call center industry changed, and now when someone talks about the call center, people think first premise base or remote base call center. Remote call center agent is much diverse from the premise based call center, their duties may be the same, but work performance, productivity level, customer’s service satisfaction levels and flexibility in working definitely change.

Remote call center agent works from outside the call center place, but handled all the customer’s calls, queries and solve their problems from his house, while driving or somewhere else.

In America, 50% of call center executives prefer the remote call center agent, because it reduces the cost of infrastructure, minimize the maintenance and flexibility for owners and reps too.

According to the survey which conducted to get the popularity and utilizing of remote call center agent by, the result was, 37%– Thirty-seven percent of the survey participants utilize remote agents. And prefer to work in a free atmosphere.

After the keen insight of remote call center and agents, the next question must be knockin mind-how to hire them for our call center products and how they offer their services from their home?

How to Hire the Remote Call Center Agents?

To hire the remote agents is not difficult but, while hiring them, executives must get the answers of a basic question, must be known the abilities of those agents and how they manage the work from outside the call center! Below are some of the questions and queries you have to be clear before selection!

  • Ask him, has he meet all the requirements of the remote call center agent’s criteria list?
  • Must use the competency base test of the agent to find out, Have he all the competencies or not?
  • Fix a probationary period to test the problem-solving skills of the agent, either he will fulfill his promise to serve the customers or not?
  • If this agent meet the criteria list, take an online test and then give him an online tutorial class.
  • Use online web camera and hear the live conversation, while dealing with the customers.

If your participant meets all the requirements then below mention management performance points will maximize your agent performance.

How to Manage the Remote Call Center Agent Performance?

It is hard to manage the work performance and enhance the productivity level of the remote agent while your supervisor far from your reps but under key points help you to manage and perform their duty excellent.

Cloud Base Contact Center:

Technology gives the chances to perform well, whether we are on our work or not, cloud base system allows to work at the home place and stay connected with the system. Avatar Dialler offers a new feature of Admin Panel that helps the executives to keen insight work performance either their agents are on-premise or remote.

Better communication:

Executives must have routine classes of formal communication between the supervisors and agents, if he has any queries, he will get to know from the supervisor. There should be daily or weekly conversation between them, it enhances the awareness about the product and keep check and balance, helps to examine the agents.

Full Grip Over The Product And Service:

Unless your agent has not full grip over the product and services provided by the company, they will not offer their services well, to overcome this problem, the supervisor must schedule the weekly classes and informative session to get the solid grip over the product.

Quality Monitoring Session:

Establish the frequency and quality monitoring sessions to evaluate the agent performance, get regular questions answers conferences to get the feedback and evaluate the quality level. Quality monitoring and training activities are necessary to enhance your representatives.

Benefits of Remote Call Center Agent

Remote agent has many benefits with himself, he provides his services from outside the call center and connected with the cloud base system and answerers all the queries and offers the services by the company.

Take a walk down to find out the benefits of Remote Call Center Agent:

Agent with Super Productivity:

Remote agents are much sincere to their work, the reason is fewer interruption voices from others. They work freely and without disturbance and eliminate the problems. Their solving ability work perfectly in isolation which enhances productivity.

Improved Customer Service:

Many customer service representatives agree to work on their own place, they can better perform and more focused in the silent environment and concentrate to their task and perform their services well and customers feel more satisfied, as your representative’s only priority is to serve your customers, they feel satisfied and reliable when they realize the representative gave them full attention and effort hard to solve their problems.

“I have seen representatives who have not come from a call center background become some of the most successful reps because they are genuinely good people and they love interacting with others—Eugene Wilson, Customer Service Supervisor”

Flexible in Services:

This service is flexible from both ends, from the executives and from the agent. Flexibility changes from time to time, when owners feel to hire a remote agent on the peak days. Agents perform 24/7 services from their homes and answer the queries of customers at night time too.

Infrastructure, Maintenance and Effective:

Reps work from their homes, cafe or somewhere else on their own bases, it saves the cost of infrastructure expense, maintenance charges and cost-effective as representative pay from their owns.

Remote call center agent is a complete package of benefits and expertise, as his full concentration on customer’s service and make them reliable on the company.

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